How are faculty salaries set at the unit level?
A data table showing the name, rank, age, highest degree and year of conferral, and salary of each faculty member of the unit. Salaries for part-time non-tenure stream professorial faculty and part-time teaching faculty who are appointed on annual contracts of less than .76 full-time equivalent (FTE) are set at the unit level.
Can a faculty member be paid less than the floor?
No faculty member or librarian may be paid less than the floor for his or her rank. Consistent with Provostial directive, faculty and librarian appointments effective after January 31 are considered new hires. As such, these positions are not entitled to ATB or PTR increases on July 1 of that same year.
How are sessional lecturers and writing instructors paid?
The salaries for Sessional Lecturers who are members of CUPE 3902 Unit 3 are set in negotiation by the University and CUPE 3902 Unit 3 and form an integral part of the collective agreement. Information on the current salary rate for Sessional Lecturers I and II and Writing Instructors I and II may be found in Article 21 of the Collective Agreement.
How are salaries set at University of Toronto?
Maximum and minimum salaries, pro-rated according to the percentage of the appointment, must be in accordance with the salary structure set in the salary increase negotiations between the University and University of Toronto Faculty Association (UTFA). See details of salary structures below.
How much does full time instructional faculty make?
Average salary of full-time instructional faculty on 9-month contracts in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by academic rank: Selected years, 1999–2000 through 2018–19 NOTE: Data for academic year 2000–01 are not available.
How long do part time faculty stay at an institution?
On the average, part-time faculty members spent 6.5 years at the same institution in comparison with 11.6 years for full-time faculty. Still, more than 62 percent of part-time faculty reported that their appointments did not last beyond the current term.
Can a non tenure track faculty member work full time?
Some part-time faculty members never work full time, and some non-tenure-track faculty members are never part time, but for many others, their appointments may vary from full time to part time from semester to semester or year to year, depending on fluctuations in funding and enrollment.
How many full time faculty are there in the United States?
The number of full-time faculty increased by 40 percent (from 593,400 to 832,100) from fall 1999 to fall 2018—an increase of 28 percent from fall 1999 to fall 2011 and 9 percent from fall 2011 to fall 2018.