Does the homeowner have the right to know, who made the complaints?

Does the homeowner have the right to know, who made the complaints?

The HOA provided me, the homeowner, the complaint letters after I have requested it, but blocked out the dates and the name of the complainers. Does the homeowner has the rights to know the date and the name of the persons who made the complaints? I want to resolve the issues with the complainers.

How to find out whether fir is lodged against me?

Talk to a real lawyer about your legal issue. If police allowed you to leave it means that only NC complaint might has been registered against you. And if FIR is registered against you, the police has every right to arrest you. There is no other way to find out whether NC complaint has been registered or not except police station.

How can I get a copy of a complaint made against me?

Get the details. The investigator should give you full details of the complaint made against you and, if this had been made by letter, a copy of this too. The letter may have been edited as you are only entitled to see the parts that relate to you. If this information has not been provided, then make sure to ask for it. Contact your union.

Do you know the names of the complainants?

With the dates and names of the complainants blocked out, I do not believe the complaint serves as any evidentiary purpose and certainly does not afford you the opportunity to defend yourself. As a past four year President of a… Yes, you should. In California, HOAs are governed by the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act.

The HOA provided me, the homeowner, the complaint letters after I have requested it, but blocked out the dates and the name of the complainers. Does the homeowner has the rights to know the date and the name of the persons who made the complaints? I want to resolve the issues with the complainers.

Get the details. The investigator should give you full details of the complaint made against you and, if this had been made by letter, a copy of this too. The letter may have been edited as you are only entitled to see the parts that relate to you. If this information has not been provided, then make sure to ask for it. Contact your union.

With the dates and names of the complainants blocked out, I do not believe the complaint serves as any evidentiary purpose and certainly does not afford you the opportunity to defend yourself. As a past four year President of a… Yes, you should. In California, HOAs are governed by the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act.

When do the complaints were made, who made the complaint?

When the complaints were made? My tenant’s neighbors have been constantly writing complaint letters to HOA against my tenant. The HOA provided me, the homeowner, the complaint letters after I have requested it, but blocked out the dates and the name of the complainers.