Do you know the meaning of the word specific?

Do you know the meaning of the word specific?

Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence. The proposal lacked specifics. The specifics of the plan need to be worked out. Not only does his thought take us down dangerous paths, but these are directed by the specifics of a lifeworld. Economic technocrats are likely to have a significant influence on such policy specifics.

Why do we need overview and specifics in science?

The overview is quite useful for getting a feeling for the system as a whole before launching into the articles on the specifics . In the general case, selection of the proper criterion depends on specifics of the problem under consideration. It is the specifics of these similarities that will guide future life-detection missions.

Do you have to include the specifics in a licensing statement?

To fulfil this criterion, a-licensing statements have to make reference to the specifics of subsegmental content. It resulted in a highly abstracted summary reflecting the sense of the story while ignoring the specifics .

Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence. The proposal lacked specifics. The specifics of the plan need to be worked out. Not only does his thought take us down dangerous paths, but these are directed by the specifics of a lifeworld. Economic technocrats are likely to have a significant influence on such policy specifics.

What’s the best way to be specific in a sentence?

If you have extra time or space that you need to fill, don’t just add in extra words that don’t provide any additional detail or insight. Instead, look for places where your audience would benefit from more detail, or try thinking of another connection you can make or another example you can cite.

How do you get precise with your writing?

To get precise with your writing, you may need to use more words (to be descriptive), or fewer words (to simplify). Vague: My mom’s aunt has some stuff for sale. Precise: My great-aunt has a bookshelf and a writing desk for sale. Concise: The Three Little Pigs lived in a brick house.

When do you need to be specific in a message?

Unless the topic of your message is very narrow, you will usually want to answer who, what, when, and where. This is especially important in business communications. If you need something from someone, you will need to communicate what you need, who needs to do it, when it needs to be done, and where it needs to be done.