Can someone have a normal delivery while giving birth to twins?

Can someone have a normal delivery while giving birth to twins?

Can you have a natural birth with twins? Lots of women think they have to have a caesarean section with twins. In fact, more than 40% of twin births are vaginal. If you’re planning a vaginal delivery, it’s usually recommended that you have an epidural for pain relief, but you can discuss this with your midwife.

What is the normal delivery time for twins?

The time of delivery in twin pregnancies is around 38 weeks for dichorionic pairs, 36 weeks for monochorionic and 32 weeks for monoamniotic. When both fetuses are on cephalic presentation at delivery, the vaginal route is preferable regardless of weight.

Are twins usually born healthy?

As reported in the International Journal of Fertility, only about one in eight embryos that starts as a twin is born as a twin. If they do survive, twins are usually born healthy. However, they are still more likely than other babies to have birth defects or to be born prematurely or underweight.

Are twins lucky?

In ancient times, the Yoruba viewed twins with suspicion, and sometimes sacrificed them. But now twins are considered lucky. The Yoruba believe that the “senior” twin sent the younger one out first to scout the world.

Is twin birth more painful?

No. That’s not all, Monga says. Moms pregnant with twins complain of more back pain, sleeping difficulties, and heartburn than moms who are carrying one child. Moms pregnant with twins also have a higher rate of maternal anemia and a higher rate of postpartum hemorrhage (bleeding) after delivery.

What is a healthy birth weight for twins?

The average birth weight of full-term twins (37 weeks or later, compared to 39-40 weeks for singletons) is around 5 ½ pounds each, though one baby often weighs more than the other. Because of the additional weight, twin pregnancies tend to be more uncomfortable.

Are twins a good omen?

““We believe ‘Ibeji’ (twins) bring good luck. They represent fertility and bring love, they are a blessing to the family. Once you have twins, people believe that more and more of everything will come to you. Twins are also related to the monkey spirit and more specifically to the Edun monkey.

Do mothers of twins live longer?

Summary: Compared with other mothers, women who deliver twins live longer, have more children than expected, bear babies at shorter intervals over a longer time, and are older at their last birth, according to a new study.

How to congratulate your parents on having twins?

If yes, be a part of their celebration by sending them congratulation quotes on the birth of baby twins. Select an appropriate congratulation wish for having twins and send it to the dear parents. Congratulations for giving birth to 2 babies. One would laugh and other would weep. So you have to manage both. Is not it amazing?

Do you know someone who has given birth to twins?

Giving birth to twins is not easy. And managing two kids at the same time is not less than facing a storm. And at the same time giving birth to twins is not less than a miracle. Do you know someone in your family or some of your friend who has given birth to twins?

How to congratulate someone on having two babies?

Congratulations for giving birth to 2 babies. One would laugh and other would weep. So you have to manage both. Is not it amazing? Congratulations for having twins. From now onwards you will have to manage the yell of one kid and the sleep of the other at the same time. But these are the loveliest memories in the life of a woman.

Who was the woman who gave birth to her twins?

An Oregon woman was told she couldn’t give birth herself, so her twin sister offered to be her surrogate. Months later, the sister gave birth to two babies – twins. Whitney Bliesner’s doctors had told her the only way she could have children was through surrogacy, but she never expected her sister to offer her womb.

What does it mean to be blessed with twins?

Your motherly love was so vast that it could not be absorbed by one single baby and therefore you were blessed with twins by God. Giving birth to twins implies that parents will not need to fight over who is going to hold the baby. Congratulations! Giving birth to twins implies that you are going to provide more love than you think that you have.

What are the best wishes for giving birth to twins?

Giving birth to twins implies that you are going to provide more love than you think that you have. Best wishes to you! You are indeed fortunate for you got more than what you desired. Best wishes for having twin babies. Looking at the brighter side, there is no need for you to spend separately for two birthday parties.

Is it possible to give birth to twins?

You will not come across many parents who have the experience of giving birth to twins. It is a real source of joy for those parents who are blessed with twins.