Can managers make you work overtime?

Can managers make you work overtime?

“Yes,” your employer can require you to work overtime and can fire you if you refuse, according to the Fair Labor Standards Act or FLSA (29 U.S.C. It requires only that employers pay employees overtime (time and a half the worker’s regular rate of pay) for any hours over 40 that the employee works in a week.

What’s the maximum amount of overtime an employee can work?

Employers have the power to set how many overtime hours employees are or aren’t allowed to work. Determine a weekly, monthly, or even annual cap of overtime hours your business can afford to pay per employee. It could be anywhere from two hours a month to 30 hours a year.

What happens when an employer forces an employee to work overtime?

Forcing employees to work overtime against their will, even if the employer is entitled to, is likely to create resentment between the employee and the employer. Where possible, the requirement for overtime should be communicated to the employee to reduce mistrust and bad feeling.

How can I find out how often my employee is working overtime?

It’s not just important to track hours worked, but how much overtime employees are earning and how often. Forbes reports that just 21% of employees say they’re highly engaged at work. Chances are, a small group of employees are working the majority of overtime hours. Go back through your employee payroll and carefully evaluate timecard data.

Can a senior managerial employee be paid overtime?

Senior managerial employees and employees earning in excess of the relevant threshold do not have these rights. The hours of work and payment terms that apply to these “senior” employees remain matters for negotiation between the employer an the employee. But what is a “senior managerial employee”?

When does it come to managing employee overtime hours?

When it comes to managing employee overtime hours there has to be good communication between the staff and the management. It could easily be the case that the managers just don’t realize that the staff member is working overtime hours to get their work done.

How is overtime calculated for a nonexempt employee?

Overtime (according to federal and many states’ laws) is the time a nonexempt employee works over 40 hours in a single workweek. For every hour over 40, that employee must be compensated with 1.5 times his or her normal wage.

How many hours can you work without overtime?

Pressure employees into an unspoken “don’t ask, don’t tell” situation where employees implicitly know they are expected to work more than 40 hours without overtime pay. If you are non-exempt, and work more than 40 hours, and have not been receiving overtime pay, you may have a case and should contact us today.

Can a flexible work schedule help reduce overtime?

Research shows over and over that flexible work schedules benefit both employers and employees. Employees with flexible schedules are more productive during the hours they do work and use their time more effectively—reducing the chance of overtime or not getting their work done as scheduled.