Can a company terminate an employee due to tardiness?
Collective bargaining agreements or employment contracts may also affect the conditions and circumstances under which employees can be let go. It isn’t likely that such agreements would specifically touch upon tardiness, though. There are cases in which disgruntled employees take legal action against employers for termination due to lateness.
What happens if an employee is late to work?
In extremely severe behavior or misconduct the employee may be terminated immediately. An employee’s attendance, including reporting to work on time, is an essential part of our Company’s success. Good attendance is expected and anticipated by all employees.
When do you become a tardy employee at work?
On all three occasions you did not call prior to your scheduled start time to request permission to be tardy. In our employee handbook it states that an employee is considered tardy if they arrive to work any amount of time past their scheduled start time.
Why is it important to track employee tardiness?
Tracking employee absences, late arrival and early departure is important to your business. If you ask these five questions, you’ll keep your business on track and employee tardiness under control. Then you can get back to the business of managing your business.
Can a company terminate an employee for tardiness?
You of course always want your employees to work out with the company and show them as much good faith as possible, but you have to accept the fact that tardiness or absenteeism is something that needs to be resolved and may require you to terminate employment if it comes to that.
What happens when an employee is late to work?
Overall, keep in mind that employees coming into work late can have a negative impact on the employer’s bottom line and on co-worker morale. Effectively managing this issue in the workplace may result in significant cost savings as well as having a more effective, efficient and engaged workforce.
Why is tardiness a problem in the workplace?
As far as the tardiness problem goes, this is where the employee’s communication comes into play because, for one thing, you probably won’t be able to get very far with someone who doesn’t show any remorse for the infraction or attempt to talk to you about what’s going on, or how they plan to stop it from happening.
Can You terminate an employee for repeated absenteeism?
In some situations, an employee is absent quite frequently, and may not comply strictly with the policies and procedures in place. If this happens, is an employer able to terminate the employee’s employment for repeated absenteeism?