Are you ever the same after back surgery?

Are you ever the same after back surgery?

Because the spine has many different levels, patients very often can have a successful surgery at one level of the spine, but then continue to have wear and tear above or below. This often causes similar symptoms to recur, usually many years after an otherwise-successful surgery.

What are the chances of back surgery going wrong?

The American Society of Anesthesiologists estimates that 20 to 40% of back surgeries fail. Patients having repeated back surgeries have a much higher chance of failure. One study found only 30% of second back surgeries are successful.

Can a person go back to work after back surgery?

Even people requiring bigger surgeries like spinal fusion are 90% likely to return to work and stay at work long term. While most people recover from back pain through exercise and healthy lifestyles, those who require surgery can expect to return to work and “get their life back” too.

Which is the most common type of back surgery?

Part of your surgeon’s job is to identify potential problems. So talk it over before you head to the OR. Each type comes with its own risks and benefits. Spinal fusion. This is the most common surgery for chronic nonspecific back pain with degenerative changes. The doctor will join spinal bones, called vertebrae, together.

When to get back surgery for back pain?

Spine surgeons may hold different opinions about when to operate, what type of surgery to perform and whether — for some spine conditions — surgery is warranted at all. Back and leg pain can be a complex issue that may require a team of health professionals to diagnose and treat. Firestein GS, et al., eds. Low back pain.

What are the risks of having back surgery?

What are the risks of back surgery? Back surgery can carry higher risks than some other types of surgery because it is done closer to the nervous system. The most serious of these risks include paralysis and infections. Even with a successful surgery, the recovery time can be long.

Even people requiring bigger surgeries like spinal fusion are 90% likely to return to work and stay at work long term. While most people recover from back pain through exercise and healthy lifestyles, those who require surgery can expect to return to work and “get their life back” too.

What kind of back surgery do I Need?

There are several different types of back surgery. Your doctor may have recommended a lumbar fusion, a discectomy, or a laminectomy. Regardless of which type of surgery your doctor recommended, back surgery can be very expensive. The cost of the back surgery can be one reason that insurance companies fight about paying for surgery.

What are the risks and benefits of back surgery?

Unlike spinal fusion, the implant provides stability and lets you move your back almost like normal. You may not be able to bend backward as easily in that area. The biggest risk of back surgery: Not knowing for sure if it’s going to help with your pain.

How often is back surgery not a success?

In fact, surgery often does not relieve the pain; research suggests that 20 to 40 percent of back surgeries are not successful. This lack of success is so common that there is a medical term for it: failed back surgery syndrome.