Are there any myths about quitting your job?

Are there any myths about quitting your job?

These myths create a social stigma around quitting – which is silly because quitting is perfectly natural. In fact, 10-15% of us do it every year. These myths keep us stuck in bad jobs and give bad leaders and toxic workplaces much more power over us than they would otherwise have. Let’s change that. Here are the Top 5 Myths About Quitting.

Is it better to quit a bad job or find a good one?

Quite the contrary, if you make a lot of money now, use that financial security to quit and find a job that’ll make you happy. Whereas staying for years in a job that grinds you down and goes nowhere will look excellent. Many of us would be much happier at work if we quit bad jobs sooner.

When do you know it’s time to quit your job?

Sure you can consider quitting, but you should exhaust all other options first. You only quit when everything else has failed. For people who believe this myth, quitting is the very last option. It’s what you do once you’re too broken and exhausted to possibly stay on at your current job.

Is it easy to quit a job you hate?

In fact, the easy thing to do is to just keep mindlessly going into that job you hate day after day, year after year. It may be horrible, but you know what you have and you avoid the uncertainty of making big life-changing decisions. Quitting on the other hand takes guts.

Is it time to quit your job after 25 years?

Every “time to quit your job” signal is there, every bit of writing on the wall points to my dwindling relevancy at this point, it is really time to move on, but all I can do is sit here and cry and cry that it has to end this way.

These myths create a social stigma around quitting – which is silly because quitting is perfectly natural. In fact, 10-15% of us do it every year. These myths keep us stuck in bad jobs and give bad leaders and toxic workplaces much more power over us than they would otherwise have. Let’s change that. Here are the Top 5 Myths About Quitting.

In fact, the easy thing to do is to just keep mindlessly going into that job you hate day after day, year after year. It may be horrible, but you know what you have and you avoid the uncertainty of making big life-changing decisions. Quitting on the other hand takes guts.

When do you know it’s time to leave a job?

Your ethics are being compromised. Anytime you are in a situation that requires you to compromise your ethics or decision making, it is time to leave. This is especially true in professional settings because of the potential long-term implications for your career.