“This immortal” by Roger Zelazny

Roger Zelazny – perhaps the most difficult in my life writer. His books have given me with great difficulty, but at the same time, I cannot leave this to chew cactus, reading them repeatedly. However, it is inexhaustible – bit-by-bit, in each of the readings, my feeble brain recognizes another facet of each of these unrealistic profound works. “This immortal” – the most “read out” and my favorite work Zelazny, marvelous story charming personality – and, at the same time, the infinite universe.

Zelazny gives its readers the odds in his texts are surprisingly few supports and tips. You just find yourself in a world – real and so complex, and you find yourself in the midst of the political intricacies, a web of personal relationships and strange conventions, trying, like serial patient with amnesia, put in my head at least some coherent picture. A circuit having built the world (which still turn over), in hindsight you realize that the beginning of the narrative was quite logical and everything you need, you already told.


Therefore, through the dominance of the names and images of Greek mythology gradually emerges that this is not the legendary past, in spite of the ruins around. A man named Constantine, consider myself unpronounceable old kallikanzarid, lives in the fact that neither is the future. Post-apocalyptic, as we like. Moreover, his wife, Cassandra (well who would doubt), he is afraid of some impending problems. And they, of course, arise. In addition, how could they not be formed in the way of such an outstanding personality, a local official of the Government of symbolic dilapidated Earth sits somewhere behind many light years? After all, humanity safely self-destruct, blowing yet all that could, and dirtied the planet radiation. Oh yeah, this is the Constantine Karagiozis, ugly and arrogant – he seems to be immortal … But he does not like to bring it up.

The diversity and unique series of burlesque characters and places little reminiscent Lemovskie “Travel Iyona the Pacific.” Remnants of humanity moved as guest workers in the interstellar federation wise blue-skinned Vegans and revolutionary struggle for the return of the earthlings and the revival of the planet suffered a shameful fiasco. Conflicts, conflicts… The ideals and xenophobia, a desire to better the pursuit of new, passion regain the lost paradise… Karagiozis looks after turned into a museum of the earth, and under him the workers dismantle the pyramid of Cheops – say, to move through the film with the shooting back to the process ahead, it will be possible to watch for its construction… on the ruins of a civilization inhabited by various mutants and wonderful unearthly creatures, and now our hero is necessary to conduct a tour for bored alien, alien whose thinking and intentions are not clear. There is a lot of colorful fights and clever intrigue, adventure in a good way and a rethinking of the fate of the world, coupled with the notion of progress, of allusions to well-known myths and their unexpected readings, love and anger, grief and rapture of battle, unexpected joys and charming humor of the narrator…

“He became a wagging tail, came up to me and licked his hand.

– Hands Bortan! We need hands to free me. You have to find them, Bortan and lead here.

He picked up the brush, was lying on the ground, and placed at my feet. Then he again began to look me in the eyes and wagging tail.

– No, Bortan. Live hand. Hands friends. Hands that unleash me, you know? ”

And unleash Constantine shy silly satyr – an amazing generation of radiation. Who knows, maybe they will inherit the earth, no longer need the same earthlings?