“The Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexandre Dumas

Someone will say: “Sometimes we have to make a choice.” Someone said: “We always have to make a choice.” Let me stay a supporter of the second voice, for this is the saying true prophesies.

The works of Alexandre Dumas crown crowned world classics, and it is in their best displays the problem of choice, whether it is the choice of their way of life, whether it be a fateful decision that, either way, will change the course of history. Characters Dumas always suffer in anguish and pangs of the author brutally plunges them into suffering and philosophical discussions with his conscience.

The novels of Alexandre Dumas – a weakness of mine. In the first book I read was struck by the ability of the writer is not so much interested in the rapidly developing events, no matter how smoothly flows episodes that break off only occasionally, in order to maintain a certain emotional contrast. I have read many of his books, but one clearly stick in my mind the exigencies of the unfolding events.


If you could assign books of human traits, the novel “The Count of Monte Cristo” I would call provocative, romantic and daring at the same time. A «line» of stereotypes did not write it. It felt life energy, which is difficult to recreate with just two attributes of the writer – pen and paper.

The novel “The Count of Monte Cristo” represents a symbol of the eternal rivalry between good and evil, between truth and falsehood. However, can anyone say with certainty what is good and what is evil, and what are they so different? We are often faced with different situations, and each has managed to understand that the line between the warring parties is very thin. Moreover, this face is almost none.

For many years, paying for their sincerity and devotion to the promise. Is this true? Alternatively, perhaps, true redemption of parental sins with his life? Can you name the place for the sake of the same justice pure evil? Every person asks himself this question as he ran his eyes over the lines of the novel. Nevertheless, the most important question we ask ourselves at the end, when the book is closed in our hands: “How would I have acted in the place of Edmond Dantes?”

Author puts excessive importance of human life in the eyes of the reader. When in one of the episodes unfold the execution of convicted criminals, people begin to truly feel sorry for them, but the protagonist puts everything in its place only one phrase: “If you know that under your window runs a mad dog, you would have grabbed his gun, ran out into the street and without any regret to have shot at close range the poor animal, which, in essence, only to guiltily that he was bitten by another rabid dog, and it pays the same, and then you regret the man whom no one bit, and which nevertheless killed his benefactor, and now that he cannot kill, because his hands are tied, frantically require the death of his fellow prisoners, his companion in misfortune “he sincerely convinced that man never learns cordiality that humanity – alone bluff, the mask in the crowd called “society”: “… what is his first cry when he learns that his friend saved? A curse. Praise a man, the crown of nature, the king of creation!”

Alexandre Dumas made so bright and eccentric character, in order to gather it all together well. Nevertheless, it is difficult to see in his deeds good intentions. He held out a helping hand, but only to their virtues; He maimed lives, but the lives of their abusers; He took revenge, but the revenge that has been justified by his death, for in the Chateau. If died young boy who no one else kept evil.

It seemed, in his novel “The Count of Monte Cristo,” the author first so openly exposes his experiences and life priorities show, masking them with only one character. We see in this book, the writer of the present, without hypocrisy and imposed time biography. This novel has become a true reflection of its creator, like a mirror, in which cost only a glimpse.

That is why I believe that the “Count of Monte Cristo” – the main work of Alexandre Dumas for his entire creative life, and do not be afraid to call this novel a superlative masterpiece.